Associations, Clique, Friends –> Thoughts, Words, Actions, Life!

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The influence of your associations cannot be underestimated!

The above statement is no joke! Seriously!

Watch your company!

There are some heartaches you would never partake of, except for the associations you get involved with! Same goes for the positives.

You may never get to enjoy some privileges or attain some height or even if you do, it may take some long hard years to get them, except for your companions, or some links to your own companions. Basically, your network!

Extremely important!

Don’t walk with a fool! Leave his presence, because there are no words of knowledge there. That’s Proverbs fourteen verse seven, paraphrased.

Same goes for the places you go!

I’d give you an illustration. You see, except you find yourself in some places, some things would never ever cross your mind. Not a chance, for you to see or hear some certain things!

You know how you go to somewhere nice, and there’s a song playing and you in turn carry that song in your mind, and replay over and over.

Or you to church, and the pastor says some certain things, or the choir sings a really nice special “number”, and you carry it around in your head for some minutes, or days!! It could last that long! Some of those things even influence your mood, and how you act!

Imagine someone says something really nasty to you, and you are offended; be careful how you act to the next person who may be unlucky to be in your line of fire! Ouch!!! They get shot, and the vicious circle goes on!

Some things just kick into action when certain things are spoken into the air! Same goes for how things go viral! That’s how your mind is!

Words paint pictures. Pictures don’t go away overnight! Your mind is like a stamp!

Horror movies, you watch them? It keeps playing in your mind!!! Imagine feeding your mind with negatives! It just goes on to mess up the source!

Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flows the issues of life! Proverbs four verse twenty-three

Look for those positives, keep them on replay! Let them influence you for good, and produce a positive life!

If you don’t go where you should not go, you would not see what you should not see or hear what you should not hear!

Let me close this post with this on-point saying from a wise man –

“Make up your mind to mind your mind!”

So tell me, any troubles or great luck as a result of your past or present associations?

P.S:: Title of this post, pretty long, ehn!

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